
5 Essential Website Optimisation Strategies

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Website Development, WordPress

Unlock the power of your website with these valuable website optimisation strategies

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, optimising your website is not just a good practice; it’s a necessity. Here are five crucial strategies to ensure your website not only attracts but retains visitors whilst enhancing its overall performance.

1. Performance Optimisation

Slow-loading websites risk losing visitors, making performance optimisation paramount. Here’s how we ensure your site runs at its best:

Advanced Infrastructure: Our hosting partner has 35 data centres across the globe and offers some of the fastest infrastructure on the market.

CDN Implementation: Leveraging a Content Delivery Network improves content delivery speed based on user location.

Effective Caching: Storing frequently accessed data reduces load times, enhancing user experience.

Image Optimisation: Compressing and optimising images, coupled with lazy loading, accelerates page loading.

Code Efficiency: Minimising CSS, JavaScript, and HTML reduces code bloat for a smoother user experience.

Testing for Performance: Rigorous testing, including tools like Page Speed Insights and Google Lighthouse, ensures compliance with Google’s Core Web Vitals.

2. Security Optimisation

A secure website is non-negotiable for building user trust. Our enterprise-level security features include:

SSL Certificate: Standard SSL practice for data protection and regulatory compliance.

Firewall Protection: Detecting and blocking DDoS attacks and other malicious events.

Dedicated Malware Team: Offering a comprehensive malware removal service.

Custom Admin Login URL: Creating a unique admin login URL enhances security.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Ensuring an extra layer of authentication for website admins.

Regular Site Backups: Automatic daily backups with a 30-day retention period.

Uptime Checks: Continuous site monitoring with a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

3. User Experience (UX)

A positive user experience is essential for retaining visitors.

Key considerations include:

Target Audience Analysis: Ensuring the website is useful, valuable, and credible for the target audience.

Responsive Design: Guaranteeing seamless performance across various devices, from mobile to desktop.

Usability & Accessibility: Ensuring the website is intuitive for users with varying technical expertise and accessible to those with disabilities.

Consistency: Maintaining consistent navigation and design elements across all pages.

Information Architecture: Organising content logically for easy user navigation.

Clarity & Scannable Content: Clearly signposting user journeys and providing scannable content for quick consumption.

4. Content Strategy

Regularly creating and optimising content is crucial for audience engagement.

Our content strategy involves:

Audience-Centric Content: Producing relevant and valuable content tailored to the target audience.

Brand Consistency: Ensuring consistent messaging, values, and tone of voice.

Content Calendar: Planning an annual content calendar that combines evergreen and seasonal/campaign-led content.

Keyword Research: Conducting keyword research and competitor analysis for effective SEO.

Core & Spin-Off Content: Creating core content and supporting it with in-depth spin-off pages.

Clear CTAs: Including clear calls-to-action on every page.

Promotion: Linking content across email and social media marketing and encouraging easy content sharing.

5. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Improving organic search performance involves a holistic approach.

Key SEO strategies include:

Overall Optimisation Impact: Ensuring that performance, UX, security, and content collectively contribute to search engine rankings.

XML Sitemap: Creating and promoting an XML sitemap to search engines using Google Search Console.

Header Tags & Meta Information: Implementing header tags and optimising meta titles, descriptions, and alt text for SEO. Markup: Using tools like Yoast SEO to implement markup for better search engine understanding.

SEO-Friendly URLs: Crafting URLs that reflect content and include keywords for user and search engine comprehension.

Internal Linking: Facilitating user discovery of more content through strategic internal linking.

Quality Backlinks: Building high-quality backlinks from sites with a reasonable domain authority.

By implementing these optimisation strategies, we ensure your website not only meets but exceeds user expectations, creating a powerful online presence.

Akiko is here to help you navigate the digital landscape. If you have any questions or need help getting started we’re on hand. Contact us.

Diagram on website optimisation strategies